Average Sold Price in Tigard Oregon by Financing Type

My name is Tom Wilser and I am with Premiere Property Group, LLC as a Principal Broker in Oregon and Managing Broker in Washington. I am also with Idaho Real Estate Company as an Associate Broker.

Today I want to share some observations and general applications about the average price of homes sold in Tigard Oregon and how it may vary by the type of financing used.

Depending on your type of financing the average price ranges from approximate $590,000 to $701,000.

You might think that cash buyers would have the lowest average price but in fact they are the second highest.

If you are a veteran and can qualify you will notice that the average price paid with a VA loan is higher than that of an FHA loan.

As interest rates rise, you will probably see these averages start to decline.

If you are a cash buyer, you will become more valuable to sellers as your financing is more likely to lead to sale that closes and get the seller their money.

Cash can also be a quicker close and faster solution for sellers. But remember a seller may not be willing to give a large discount on their asking price when they can wait 30 days for a buyer’s loan to go through.

As a buyer not paying cash, you will still be a welcome sight to sellers as the number of cash buyers are limited.

If you borrow $500,000. at 7.25% on a 30 year loan you loan payment (P&I) will be $3,410.88

not counting property taxes, mortgage insurance, home owners associate fees, or home owners insurance.

Be an informed consumer.

Is the credit score you think you have, the same one a lender will use to get you the best rate?

Can you restructure your debt to qualify for more of a loan?

Is the interest rate you saw or heard about the one that applies to you?

Have real estate questions? Need more information? If you are not paying cash, let me put you in touch with a lender who will fight for you and have helpful information you may have not thought of?

You can contact me by clicking on the circle with me in it on the top of this page..

Or you can look at these homes for sale in Tigard.